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Valence School

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Good mental health is vital for success in all aspects of a student's life. At Valence, along with teachers and form tutors, the following people are all here to help young people negotiate their way:

  • DSL team
  • Keyworkers
  • School Counsellor
  • Pathway Leads
  • School Nursing team

There are lots of excellent resources out there to help young people and their parents and carers, but you might find these particularly helpful:

Services Directory showing support in your area: for young people who are struggling.

Self-care directory (scroll down the page until you reach the picture squares) detailing lots of activities that help you keep mentally well.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services also offers a good variety of resources.

You can also call the Single Point of Access (SPA) on 0800 011 3474 to talk about what mental health information, advice and support might be appropriate. This is also a number to call if you feel your child needs urgent mental health support or visit Kent & Medway NHS or Release The Pressure

Also, below is a list of online resources that you may find useful as parents/carers: ( mental health support ( mental health support ( mental health, resilience and self-care ( bereavement experts for young people

Your Mental Health (

Young Minds - Parents/Carers (