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Valence School


Education, Health and Care Plans at Valence School

What is and EHC Plan?


EHC plans look at all your child's needs and brings together education, health and care services to achieve agreed outcomes. The focus is very much on what is important for children and young people – what they and you want to achieve now and in the future. EHC plans are available from birth to 25.

At Valence School we work hard to ensure that all the services are brought together and that the plan is well co-ordinated around the young person.


Conversion from a Statement of Special Educational Needs to and EHC plan (Kent)

At Valence School we are able to convert statements of special educational needs EHC plans we do this through a student centred transfer meeting. At this meeting we gather information to compile a report about barriers to your child's learning, the support they're receiving and long term goals (outcomes). Views as a family are very important and they can be contributed in writing or in person before and during the transfer review meetings.

This report is sent to the Local Authority.  After the review meeting the Local Authority  write to you again with a completed assessment set out in a draft EHC plan and invite you to comment before it is issued it in its final format.  The Local Authority aim to complete the plan within 20 weeks.

This plan is then reviewed by all involved within an academic year cycle.


Helpful Links

Independent Support Kent is a government funded service offering free, independent support through the transfer process. We will ask them to contact you to offer their services. You can of course continue your own arrangements.