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Valence School

Our Learners Are:
Respectful - Resilient - Independent - Positive - Passionate



What is our curriculum intent?

In science, we aim to provide an engaging curriculum, which encourages students to think inquisitively, so that they question ideas and concepts about themselves and the world around them. Lessons involve both theory and practical work, to ensure that students have the opportunity to learn in a variety of ways. Classes are grouped with 2 or 3-year groups in each class, and these are re-grouped each academic year, so careful planning ensures that students are always accessing new topics regardless of what year group they are in.

How does the delivery of our curriculum differ between the pathways?

In the Simmonds pathway, there is a focus on sensory activities to engage students, and students partake in lots of experiments and outdoor activities where appropriate.  In KS4, students build upon their previous KS3 knowledge to prepare them for Entry Level examinations and Unit Awards.

In the Hawking pathway, KS3 students follow the National Curriculum. At KS4, students build upon their previous KS3 knowledge to prepare them for formal qualifications including Unit Awards, Entry Level examinations, and GCSEs. Hawking students in KS4 run an Entry Level course parallel to the GCSE curriculum to ensure all students are given an opportunity to gain a suitable qualification for their ability.

Do our students have access to learning opportunities outside the classroom?

Science holds a STEM week annually to give all students an additional experience in Science. Activities vary between the three pathways so that all students have an activity which is appropriate for them. We have close links with Sevenoaks school and through them, students access outreach resources and off-site opportunities. External providers have come to Valence to present to the students, i.e. in physics and robotics.