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Valence School

Our Learners Are:
Respectful - Resilient - Independent - Positive - Passionate



What is our curriculum intent?

Our curriculum intent in art is to inspire students to engage with art and to encourage them to be creative, critical thinkers. We teach a broad curriculum, as Key Stage 3 students in both the Simmonds and Hawking pathways complete projects in Textiles, Photography, Painting and Drawing, Ceramics and 3D Design. These projects then lead onto challenging courses appropriate to Pathways. We intend to equip students with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own Art, Craft and Design works. It is important for all students to understand their own strengths in expressing themselves visually and we want them to grow in self-confidence. Our aim is for all students to gain a qualification before leaving Valence, including Entry Level, GCSE, AS and A-Level. Some students may wish to continue Art and Design courses after Valence, and we prepare them for this by discussing a range of courses, and by highlighting Open Days, Summer Schools, and by helping them to build their portfolio for interview.

How does the delivery of our curriculum differ between the pathways?

In both the Simmonds and Hawking pathways, Key Stage 3 is a journey of discovery, as students are given 6 different media over the 6 terms of the year and the whole of Key Stage 3 is an opportunity to discover ways of working, artists, art movements and media that plays to each child’s personal creative strengths and resonates with their personal interests and choices.

In Key Stages 4 and 5, Simmonds students complete either Entry Level 2/3, which has 7 basic units following the 6 terms plus graphic design. Hawking students may also complete the Entry Level, but we encourage most Hawking students to undertake the GCSE. Students who complete the GCSE become self-directed in their lessons, drawing on their skills, knowledge and understanding of themselves, and the teacher works 1:1 with students to review their skills or stretch their knowledge. This encourages pupils to be life-long learners and self-motivated.

Do our students have access to learning opportunities outside the classroom?

It is important for students to gain insight and inspiration from a varied selection of artists, craft persons, and designer’s work, including local artists. Therefore, we arrange for local and national artists to visit Valence to teach workshops and broaden students’ understanding of the breadth of opportunities in the art arena. Students studying GCSE and A-Level art all visit the Tate Modern in London as part of their courses. Other opportunities to work with other schools or visit local galleries are taken when available. In both Key Stages 3 and 4, students have the opportunity to study photography, and we use the school grounds and the school building as stimulus to teach key learning in photography.