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Valence School

Our Learners Are:
Respectful - Resilient - Independent - Positive - Passionate

The Governing Body

Valence School is served by a Governing Body of 16 members dedicated to the young people here at Valence School.

  • We are looking forward to the continued success of the school and to working as part of the school community in ensuring that our students meet the challenges of today’s world with confidence and enthusiasm.
  • We have produced this handbook to help new governors understand their role and how a Governing Body works and to ensure continuity for existing governors.  We all work very much as a team for the benefit of the school, respecting each other’s points of view but always acting as a corporate body accepting the decisions reached by the majority.
  • Governing Bodies have a strategic role in the development of the school and do not become involved in the day-to-day management issues – that is the role of the Principal.  Working in partnership with staff, we have made Valence School the success that it is today, and we very much hope your contribution will enable us to continue to build on this success.

All Governors serve a term of office of 4 years.

Full details on Governors, Committee membership, meetings, attendance etc. are included in Governor's Information.

Additional duties for named Governors for 2024/2025

Chairman of Governors - Brian Davies

Vice Chairman - Paul Myers

Child Protection and Safeguarding Governor - Carys Long

Training and Development Governor - Brian Davies

Residential Governor - Laura Snelling

Staff Governor - Jennifer Church

KSent Representative - Brian Davies

GDPR Governor - Grahame Ward

Finance Lead - Grahame Ward