What is the overall intent of the curriculum?
How does the curriculum reflect the school’s local context? How does it address typical gaps in knowledge and skills, including as a result of the pandemic?
To what extent is the curriculum ambitious and designed to give all pupils, including disadvantaged, the knowledge, character, and cultural capital they need to succeed in life?
How do you plan and sequence the curriculum so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before? How does this build towards the end point?
How do you plan for students to have opportunities for learning outside the classroom?
How do you assess students? What is the purpose of the assessment? How frequent is it? What is the impact of these arrangements?
How do you ensure that pupils read, or have access to books at an age-appropriate level?
How did you respond to the challenges of remote education during the pandemic?
How do you adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all students?
How do you adapt the curriculum for more able students?
Do lessons reference previous learning? How confident are teachers with helping students to develop their memory and recall skills?
How do you ensure that your teaching remains well informed and rooted in evidence?
How do you lead support staff to ensure maximum support for students, whilst enabling independence, in your subject/area?
How do you check that students have understood what has been taught in lessons? How do you give feedback?
What is the impact of your curriculum, including the most disadvantaged students? [results, data, national tests, progression, future steps?
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